I do not buy any electronics on ebay - period. Too much of a risk. Only exception is the dirt cheap LEDs from China.
At least it's only $14 and nobody is going to die over it. Rip-offs and junk sucks tho. The majority of ebay sellers are cooperative and don't want a negative feedback and for that reason, I think the more irate you seem, the better the chances of getting a refund or replacement.
Have you filed a complaint with Paypal (within 45 days) for a defective item? I don't know about the current rules as of now, but it used to be that Paypal would just about always refund the buyer. Maybe rules are different now. I used to buy and sell on ebay a LOT but not very often anymore and am not up on the rules.
Buying from a direct inline vendor is always better. Often cheaper (no ebay or paypal fees) and you can easily contact the vendor and sort things out. They are usually very helpful. If you pay by credit card, you can always get a refund if it goes sideways. With our CC, we get double the factory warranty on an item as well. Can't do that with Preypal.