Effing squirrels ate my propane hoses . . .
So I fixed their hides!
The varmints ate both tank to regulator hoses as well as the regulator to mainline hose. I found online that various suppliers do make stainless steel braided hoses for the two tank-regulator lines, but none of the nearby sources stocked them. Nobody evidently makes the 4 foot regulator to rig hose in that armored configuration. So I made my own!
I went on Amazon and searched for stainless steel braided loom, and came across this supplier: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007TNJDTU?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title&th=1
I bought a 10 foot piece of 1 inch braid, more than enough to wrap all my propane hoses using UV stabilized zip ties. It expands to go over the hose ends. I would use the 3/4 inch stuff if I had to do it again. I have enough left over to do another 4 foot hose, should the need arise.
For what it was worth, we were camped in a state park campground when the little terrors struck. Went out for a bike ride in broad daylight, and came back to hissing as my propane escaped. Cold cut sandwiches for lunch . . . .