Ohhhh K, So let me start by saying i feel pretty dumb after receiving the converter/charger, its got a normal household plug that comes already attached! Doesnt get much easier than that!
However! And again im no electrical technician but i spent half the day trying to get my system back in working order and by the end of the day i was no farther forward then when i began.
So i guess i should take it from the top, i have like i said (2) 300ah lifeline deep cycles, which have been sitting for about idk 3 years..... I recently brought the batts to a marina and they said to charge them really slowly and they could be used again. Soooo i bought a small 6v 1.5amp batt charger and put them on for a good week a piece, and im pretty sure i put my volt meter on them and they had come wayyy up. So i went ahead and re-purhcased a
http://www.pmariner.com/productFeature.php?ProductNum=0550412v to 12v charge controller which is what i had used to charge the batts originally. I figured i would wait to get the PD charger hooked up after i had everything else in place. The charger controller is fed by a 2awg wire coming from the 12v side of the solenoid, goes through a breaker and into the batt in pole of the charge controller. From there it goes through the charge controller and out through another breaker where it enters the battery. After that isnt much relevant because if it was charging properly i could figure out any problem from there forward, pretty simple its either wiring or fuses or whatever it is your trying to power. Oh and the ground comes off a ground terminal on the charger and is grounded to the frame. Soooo after hooking everything up, triple checking my connections, putting in a new bus bar because my positive terminal was getting jammed up with too many connections, i went ahead and fired the van to see how the hole system would perform. At first everything went well, the charge controller said it was putting out maximum output and the red light was on indicating it was an AGM battery which is the type i want to be charging. However after just a few moments the lights went out and i immediately got my volt meter on the batts to see if they were getting a charge. Of course they were not. If i test the incoming wire to the charge controller its reading idk 12 almost 13 volts but coming out of the charge controller its at like .4 or .5 volts. So i guess my question is do you think its the batts are dead and wont take a charge or do you think there may be something wrong with the charge controller, orrrrr am i doing something wrong. I wish i had the ability to draw up a schematic of exactly how everything is hooked up so anyone who as any interest in helping could see exactly what i have done but i dont know how i could do that. Maybe ill give it a shot if its necessary. Soo like i said the charge from the alternator comes out of the 12v side of the solenoid and into the incoming pole of the charge controller, then out of the charge controller into the batt. The 6volt batts are wired in series, so one neg to one pos and vice versa and the charger is going into the pos on one batt and out of the neg on the other into the neg on the charge controller which goes through the floor and is grounded to the frame of the van. There are a few different grounds on the same pole of the charge controller, and there are a few hot wires on the same pole of the battery, if that makes a diff.
So not sure what else might be helpful... oh! ive disconnected everything from the batts and put the volt meter on each battery separately and i get about 2 to 3v on one and under 1v on the other. Aaaand ive just hooked up my little batt 1.5amp 6v charger (to the one that waw reading real low volts) and it says its charging at around 4.7 volts. Oh and i realized i had something wrong..... well at least one thing, i had my power coming off of one of the 6 volt batts and the ground coming out of the same batt. Soooo i just switched them and hooked the small charger up to one pole of each batt and it woulds charge them at all.
Sooo i apoligize for the lengthy post, im just trying to give you as much info to you all as possible. Thats about all i can get out at the moment, if i think of anything more ill let you all know. Thanks so much for any thoughts in advance!!