TurnThePage wrote:
As the OP, I should clarify a bit. My roof has Eternabond on all four edges and on various fittings. The only place I'm noticing this issue is on the tape I used to secure the solar panel wiring running across the roof. The Eternabond tape on the edges of the fridge vent (very near that wiring) is looking pretty bad too, especially where it gets warmest. Everywhere else seems to be OK. I'll have to inspect closer once I've finished my current project.
Trying to secure something like a wire to a flat surface with Eternabond Roofseal is IMO high risk since you can never get continuous contact between the wire and the roof surface because of the edges of the wire is generally round and if you try and stretch it at all it will tend to release over time. I've had that same issue going just over screw heads, but have minimized it by using extra wide tape or putting a graduating layer over the screw head first so there is a gentler slope for the tape up over the screw head. This is not a problem with the Eternabond, but just a limitation in it's use that one had to understand and account for.