Kayteg1 wrote:
I never got answer from Fantastic site about motor lubrication, but I run the fan for about 1 hr few days ago, disregarding some noise and the motor is dead today.
I emailed Fantastic via their site again and got response from DometicUSA that when motors can't be lubricated, I would have to pay $30 for new one.
Since I don't plan to go home for another month, I have to wait for the repair.
BTW I emailed torklift if their tie-downs can be used reversed as their system is letting my camper to slide back. No response.
The reason why it's sliding back (and I've said this previously) is, you don't have enough angle (forward) on the front tie downs. plain and simple. I modified the set that the guy who bought my Lance had with an extension plate bolted to each side (he had the aluminum ones). With the steel ones, weld on an extension plate. Issue solved. I don't have your issue, I have HJ's front and TL rear. The HJ's have the necessary attachment angle. It's simple geometry. The steeper that attachment angle is, the less movement aft.
Far as your fan motor, I bet the brushes are hung in the brush holders. Try whacking the motor from the top with a spoon to dislodge them.