Forum Discussion

jackwmssr's avatar
Feb 03, 2014

Ford 4x4 2002 explorer will not go into 4 wheel drive

I think I need the help of a Ford mechanic. My 2002 ford explorer 4.0 v6 automatic will not shift into any 4x4 positions. I have checked all the fuses that I can find, 1 under the dash and 2 under the hood. It does not make any sounds at all when I push the 4x4 buttons. It did not make any strange sounds the last I used it a few weeks ago. I have tried it moving and sitting still, in neutral with the brake on. I have had it since new and used it every winter so I am sure it is not operator error. It has 99000 miles on it. Now for a little recent history. I had the cables disconnected to clean the post 3 weeks ago. Two days later I used a homeowner style alternator tester to check the alternator (good). I jumped the MH last week to start it, all of these since the last time used the 4x4. While doing the above I never did hook any thing up wrong. THE FORECAST IS CALLING FOR SNOW tonight 7 to 9 inches. I would be very thankful if some one can help me with this.