dddire wrote:
I note on the Trojan site, they indicate the T105's are safe for 80% discharge. How does everyone feel about this? I'm thinking 50% obviously is safer.. but maybe the odd 80% in there?
I would keep 70% and above. That would still get you 500 cycles and there is a member here who routinely does that to his T105's and has had them last 7 or 8 years so far.
pianotuna wrote:
80% sounds like salesman speak to me.
It's not salesman speak but you'll drop a ton of cycle life. Keep it 70% and higher. These aren't marine hybrid batteries guys. These are top notch deep cycles. That said, unless you're WELL versed in battery maintenance, keep the discharges above 50% or you'll kill your batteries in short order. I'll agree with the others and say keep the coffee maker on the generator with just two 6V's.