Forum Discussion

  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    Turns out the ROSESANA company has my HONEYWELL CSCA-A Hall Effect DC AMP sensor on their page...

    This is a 12VDC HALL EFFECT setup and will read +/- 75ADC using the transformer sensor around the Battery cable.

    Will be asking them for price and availability...

    I am currently using one of these in my OFF-ROAD POPUP trailer to monitor the Dc Current in and out of my Battery Bank. The opening says it will fit a 4AWG cable but I have run a 2AWG cable thru the opening. The last place I checked that bought out the items from SURE ELECTRONICS China was wanting $820 for this. I bought mine in 2008 from Sure Electronics for $35 I think it was which also included the Digital DC AMPMETER panel like shown here. FCB Electronics listed here wants $832... geesch...

    Roy Ken
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    Thanks for the LINK. This one caught my eye right away...

    VOLT/AMP Meter with current transformer

    Have just the project waiting for something like this.

    I hate dealing with SHUNT TYPE DC current samples with the live wiring routed all over the place.

    Will have to order this one and see how accurate it is going to be...

    ADDED NOTE: OUCH just read this is for AC CURRENT only... Oh well ---

    I originally used one of these from SURE ELECTRONICS (CHINA) but they are no longer available at a reasonable price.

    Roy Ken