TomG2 wrote:
Gdetrailer wrote:
So you would rather spend MORE, get LESS all because of the MC4 connectors..
That is plain stupid.
What is "stupid" is for some self-proclaimed expert to call what other people think "stupid". Takes a real sharp fellow to call names. Like a third grader.
I do not own Harbor Freight Solar equipment. But when you leave out the cost of cables and connectors, you are being a liar by omission. I never said they were a bargain. I did say that they were plug and play and will have a new person making electricity in less than an hour. Ordering from three or four suppliers, matching components, and making the connection to a battery bank can take a lot longer and who do you return the package to when it does not all work together? I am a hobbyist and don't mind the engineering involved. I am not "stupid" but people who call other people "stupid" just might be.
Not a "self claimed expert", however, I DO use a lot of "common sense" which does seem to be lacking with the notion that paying more for an inferior product is the "better way".
Common sense would state that getting BETTER parts UP FRONT is a BETTER WAY.
Common sense would state that cutting off said offending connector is a BETTER WAY.
Common sense would state that buying BETTER CABLES AT LOWER COST at your local hardware store IS a BETTER WAY.
Common sense would state buying your own LONGER cables LOCALLY is a BETTER WAY.
Common sense would state that not having to interconnect FOUR smaller panels IS A BETTER WAY.
Common sense would state that buying a BETTER controller that has ROOM TO GROW when you decide to add on more solar IS A BETTER WAY.
The HF kit is for those who do not know better, they ARE TOYS, EXPENSIVE TOYS.
If you are going to drop $190 on a "toy" (four 25W panels) why not UPGRADE said toy and start with a BETTER TOY (ONE 150W panel).
Common sense would state why pay TWICE, once for the cheap toy (HF panels) and then the SECOND TIME for BETTER PANELS.
Most folks who "dabbled" with small solar panels end up eventually buying more, larger panels and the money spent on the smaller higher cost panels is wasted.
Yeah, I realize Common Sense has been dead for many years, but I keep trying to bring him back to life..
Hope you locate some common sense..