One faulty pole transformer can imply dangerous earth ground voltage potential between line to earth. Ask US Pumice, about their 278 volts line to earth ground potential. This started a war between Southern California Edison and the Mineworkers and US Government OSHA. The fault lie with the bank of ground transformers on SCE property nearby. No one took my advice and change the bank to additive rather than subtractive polarity units. They had to go to war. Court, lawyers. I do not know and I do not care about the outcome. My issue was solely with safety.
It takes a moment just a moment to verify line to earth ground potential. I ran into this again with the hotel down here. The pole transformer was shorted. 163 volts line 1 or 2 to earth ground and 91 volts line to neutral line 2. CFE ignored my compaint. Then the transformer caught fire.