There have been many posts on this type of thing in the past on assorted forums, Some people seem to feel that 12 volt means 12 volt and that the higher charging voltage of the batteries may damage your TV.. I do not happen to be among them.
Others feel that the regulation on a wall wart or in-line brick power supply likely sucks like the Honda Vac on the commercical (Hey, it is funny) and thus the odds are the higher voltage won't bother. (I happen to be among those).
Now, THe one thing I do question is who made that TV.. I have one Insignia product here. Turns out it's a re-labeled Zenith (It is not a tv by the way) and Zenith is now an LG brand, that's Lucky Goldstar, because you are LUCKY if a Goldstar product works properly.. I've never been that lucky. This one is no exception,, Same for my Dometic by LG Microwave.. Of course now that it is a WA8YXM custom Microwave.. it works properly.. I fixed it.