There is no need to fuse the panels at the combiner box. In fact it is undesirable to do so.
A switch after the combiner box close to the charge controller is a good plan.
If using MPPT controller, wire for highest input voltage and use a DC rated switch or circuit breaker.
Vintage465 wrote:
I'm fusing my solar panels individually in the combiner box before they are combined. Initially, I purchased the 15a MC-4 fuse holder and the connectors. This came out to about 6-1/2" long. Too long for my combiner box with all the other hardware in there. So, can I use any automotive inline type fuse and fuse holder so long as the the fuse size is right and the wire size(10ga) is the same? The reason I ask is the conductor/fuse is real small on an automotive 15a and I always concern my self with not carrying as much juice cause of the small fuse link compared to the 10ga wire? Meaning, is there a "special" solar fuse that carries more juice?