actually pretty easy. First, under the vent SHOULD be the mastic sealing stuff,not glue. so, ALL you need to do is break the dicor seal on the edge of the flange. Been there, done that and it is pretty easy. Remove ALL (check twice, then again) the screws holding the vent to the roof. Carefully slide a plastic putty knife between the roof membrane and the thinest spot of dicor you can find along the flange. Slowly cut the dicor to one corner of the flange. Once that is done, go around the corner and slowly pull up on the flange as you seperate the flange from the roof. Pretty quickly it will lift up enough to cut the dicor w/o worring about cutting the membrane. Once the flange is off, use a hair dryer to warm the dicor and then using the plastic putty knife remove as much of the dicor as is reasonably possible. You Don't need to and won't get it all up by any means.
NEVER EVER use ANY petroleum based solvent to remove the dicor!!!! I can easily damage the membrane. dicor has Naptha in it, and that plus whatever else is in it actually will react with the membrane and soften and sometimes cause wrinkles in the membrane when you use it. It also fuses the dicor to the membrane.
2011 Keystone Outback 295RE
2004 14' bikehauler with full living quarters
2015.5 Denali 4x4 CC/SB Duramax/Allison
2004.5 Silverado 4x4 CC/SB Duramax/Allison passed on to our Son!