Well on my old bus I converted most 1141/1156 over to LED, and even going through all the trusted sources, they died on a regular basis and by the time I traded the bus in I was back to 1156 bulbs. I found even though the 1156 burned a little hotter, they greatly outlasted the 1141 bulbs.
The new trailer as I said is 80% LED. So far I have not had any issues with thost setups, but unlike trying to replace the bulb these are designed LED units. Their light is much softer and better shown then when I replaced incandecant with LED.
I agree that those who dry camp its well worth the work, heck even for the outside clearance and marker lights I think you benifit from LED. But if you do not dry camp (seriously I barely even overnight in a parking lot) then I do not see the use of spending the money on LED other then areas where you tend to have the light on a lot.