3 tons wrote:
BFL13 wrote:
Yes solar is hard to pin down for making comparisons. You can also have times when the FLAs and the LFPs could both accept more than what the solar can supply at the time.
The OP was asking about gen times so that makes it easy to do the numbers for whatever the scenario is.
I am used to the idea that solar is slow, low amps and gen time is fast, high amps. Slow solar and fast LFPs? Brings out the Missouri ("Show Me") in you!
Sorry for my confoundedness, but are you contesting that in terms of battery internal resistance there’s no real advantage with Lithium vs FWC ??
3 tons
There can be an advantage. How much of an advantage "depends". Is that much of an advantage worth the Money? What is the scenario?
All I am trying to say is that you have to specify and "quantify" the comparison for the factors that matter to you (weight? cost?, high discharge rate? whatever) so you don't go in blind spending so much Money
I am not "against" LFPs. They are an option that could be the best choice for some. I do think there is something of a "craze" happening as with tailfins on cars in 1957 with some folks who have not done the calculations for their scenarios.
Good on those who did their calculations and it came out for LFPs at a cost they could afford. That's how it is supposed to work.
Itinerant1, you have that huge collection of monitoring gear and all sorts of numbers you watch so you know what's going on. I don't sweat it either when camping. Just have a set-up that is right for your scenario and go RVing.