Upon context re-read (then edit):
“If you can't restore the AH needed because of low amp charging restrictions, you can't go. So it would be nice to know that for sure. Trilliums say up front they would not be suitable for that job.”
Well, I can’t comment on trillium brand’s outlier specs - but I’m quite happy to save that one for those wise gurus over at Trojan Inc...
I do feel however that ‘context matters’ and for the most part your criticism here (the ghost from X-mas past - lol) has been addressed (per topic re-read), at least to the larger majority of prospective LFP users (e.g. those more moderate climate folks with an occasional excursion into below freezing temps)...
But where one’s concern does in fact manifest (as with an extended period in below freezing climate), those seeking the advantages of LiFePo4 might simply do as I’ve done and find a workaround (say, heating pad, or interior batt placement-repurposed batt box) or, simply choose the SiO2 option. Either way, I kinda see SiO2’s as a technology that’s been ‘primarily’ adopted for below freezing weather conditions (though performance overlap exist - thus, this thread’s committed SiO2 acolytes), though I recount this at the risk of having further nuanced this topic which has already been aired, tortured (insatiably so.......) and then recycled for yet another round of talking points....MO
3 tons