red31 wrote:
here he opens one up
Man Oh Man ... look at all those little batteries and all those inter-connections that have to be made, and stay made, year after year ... or else.
There is a whole corner of science concerned with the reliability of complex systems - one type of which is a system with only simple inter-connects but a lot of them.
When or when are Group XX sized vehicle lithium batteries going to consist of something like maybe 5 or 6 or 7 individual large cells - so system complexity can be greatly reduced? (In addition, there is a fairly "complex" BMS system required to take care of all those little cells!)
When an RV'er is out and about on the far side of beyond, reliability of the RV systems becomes ultra important - whether it be exploring in the Western U.S. outback or over-landing in Siberia.
I'll think I'll wait until lithium RV batteries become both cheaper and much simpler inside.