Forum Discussion
"Likewise stabilizers have never been recommended for leveling."
Customer disagrees. Owners manual. "Ground Control TT Leveling System". Header on first page states "Leveling and Stabilization". On page one under features; "Fast, accurate automatic leveling". In Lipperts case, what the difference between Stabilizers and levelers?
the difference is a stabalize on older rv's that you manualy wind down are at the outside corners of your rv frame. they are not powerfull and are ment to be dropped only after you level side to side with blocks under the tires and front to back with the hitch jack. they are ment to take the bounce out and that is it.
these are not mounted at the end of the fram and if you have a longer rv (mine is on the boarder) you might need 6 jacks instead of 4) my fronts are rated for something stupid and the back are a little less, its works out to over twice the gvw of my 5th they can lift. but the placment of the rear jacks on a 4 jack system is slightly behind the rear wheels not at the far end so they are on strong points of the frame where there isn't flex, this is why they are able to actualy level instead of just stabalixe and take the tires out of the picture movement wise, they actualy lift the rv so the weight is almost off the tires in an ideal senario, in a less than ideal side to side they may lift a tire off the ground trying to get level.