“Progressive Dynamics, in partnership with one LI battery maker has come out with a LI=programmed converter. Now. that is the full extent of my knowledge on this unit. I forget which company they partnered with (might be Battle Born). If you are going to go LI. you need this converter”.
During a recent camper conversion, I gained hands on experience with PD’s latest Li converter-charger, and ultimately spoke with PD’s tech about their Li charge methodology...The charger’s output is merely fixed at a constant 14.4v throughout the entire charge cycle and beyond...Once the Li is fully charged, it strictly relies on the BMS for charge management thereafter - their tech said that he would not recommend leaving the charger on for long term storage...
Because of this, I personally prefer my ‘ol faithful PD 9245 with it’s benign end of charge switch to float, I just skip the equalizations...
3 tons