BFL13 wrote:
Some LFP owners on here ISTR have taken to charging at lower voltages hoping for longer battery life. Perhaps it needs to be established which is correct--lower amps or lower voltage?
Lower amps or lower voltage.. Well..
First I've heard claims (not comment) suggesting some oh wait. ot LFP so I won't even finish that thought.
Now. Every battery has what is called "internal resistance" And of course the wires connecting it to the converter/charger have resistance.
Current = Voltage divided by resistance.
So when bulk charging lower voltage = lower amperage.
now one you get to absorption phase. Well that still applies..
The FLOAT voltage is the only time where changing voltage actually changes the battery voltage.
In order to push more amps into the battery you inrease the charging voltage..
NOW: the danger.. Pushing too much voltage for too long a period.. That damages the battery.
Li type batteries, according to some should be STORED at about 50% charge or so at least one source tells me. I have not the means to verify.