at 2 in the.afternoon on a sunny there.should be.little load,. ( at least that's the.situation I hope for, the instructions for adjustment are quite explicit about adjusting the controller when near full and to adjust for voltage at the batteries, I adjusted high enough to allow for drop with the intent of having 14.2v on the batteries , after all this point will not be maintained for more that a couple hours at best during winter, as an example trojan recommends holding this voltage for two hours after the batteries reach 14.2 this allows the SG to catch up with the applied voltage to reach full charge
yes I will keep an eye on the batteries, But far more batteries die from under charge than over charge when used in RV'S
current voltage readings: from panels 14.53 into the controller with an 8.52 amp output from controller, output voltage measures 13.52 @ controller & 13.02 @ batteries