were talking about a solar controller in the storage bay, I'm not opening the box to get to the terminal strip every time I make voltage reading
I have test points inserted in the 8ga for the panel voltage,.the output voltage comes from the controller display & the turnigy power meter that's wired into the charge circuit 4ga wires
I used my fluke meter to read the panel voltage and the voltage at the batteries
yes I raised the set point, to compensate for voltage drop, besides it was wrong to begin with, this equipment is ALL USED, not new and was not at factory spec
my converters can easily do FOUR hours at 14v+ , and get to do several hours of this everyday , with more amp capability and at a more even pace held for those hours
the solar voltage is not as high at the battery as the converters voltage and the solar charge is not as constant and level, as it is constantly changing with the clouds the dust the sun angle
you seem to be superimposing "constants" that don't exist , on a static unused bank, setting in the middle of nowhere exposed to constant sun,
this is not a lab setting doing a controlled durability test,
this is real world daily use attempting to do a fuel expense reduction while maximizing battery charge, yes with out premature death of these batteries, but they are an expendable item as long as that expense does.not occur more than every.four years
I'm not looking for ten year battery life
and I agreed Pianotuna the biggest problem is most of us do not have and maintain a large enough battery bank for all the power we use therefore we stress our batteries
on another.note I'm happy to report that 12:30am my voltmeter read 12.60v and at 6:30am (before sunrise) it read 12:35v
not to shabby with fridge cycling on&off all night maintaining cold food and frozen ice cream & ice
I seem to have struck upon a proper balance ( at least during cooler weather )