the batteries are not seeing 14.6
the batteries see 13.75 in this particular instance
perhaps if the sun was higher and peak rate longer time with no loads so the amps would taper before the voltage from the panels tapers, it would teach 14.6 at the batteries
But Not now, not under MY USE conditions and winter time solar conditions
as for mppt I adjusted that after I adjusted the set point and I adjusted that according to the blue sky instructions while watching both the little led indicator and the amps output reading, in fact the instructions specify this should be adjusted once the system is installed and all wiring is in place, it does not need to be readjusted unless you change something in the system like panels, wire, or setpoint, if every solar install was the same, if solar was a one size fits all ? these adjustments would not be provided and instructions on how to use them included,
Maybe when summer arrives and the sun is higher the output higher and the solar charge day longer I will need to change these settings, I will keep an eye on the batteries, but baring any symptoms of excess gassing, I'm leaving things the way they are