topjimmy wrote:
You need to hear from somebody that actually Has the Warranty like ME, why would you turn this down??? ,it did NOT raise the cost of the RV it Was FREE to ME they pay for it out their profits and Lifetime to the ORIGINAL owner, true you have to once a year get it inspected by ANY certified RV tech once a year for about a hundred bucks and yes it is ZERO deductible for covered failures but it does NOT cover Slides and 6 point auto level but pretty much everything else and NO you do NOT have to go to the original dealer for the repairs ANy dealer or CERTIFIED mobile service is fine,not a bad thing for just being thrown in on the Great deal I already got on my Montana ,my Dealer(Tacoma RV) did not have to offer this service but they did and I think that is a good thing when all I have to do is spend a hundred bucks a year to get it checked out
Anyone that believes this coverage didn't cost anything "up front", that it was free, is as stated, a Dealers delight to sell an RV to...You can bet your bottom dollar the cost of this "so called" warranty/insurance was rolled into the cost of the unit...When you see how much these units can be discounted, HUGE discounts, AND we ALL know that the dealer and manufacturer STILL make money on that "great deal" the dealer gave you:R
I'm not spending a hundred or so dollars for someone to walk around my 5er and then tell me all is well, or they find something wrong..
I would want to watch them do this so called "inspection" to see just how thorough it REALLY is.
but hey, not my money, not my 5er....I wouldn't pay for it, I would let normal bumper to bumper warranty take care of everything and after that, become quite good at "fixing things" myself....(I already do...NO ONE will take care of my 5er like "I" will)...It could become an inconvenience to do this yearly inspection and I wonder what happens if you actually miss just ONE inspection:h
Just another money making scheme that some will buy into because it sounds so good, and of's free:).......and the cow jumped over the moon.The little dog laughed To see such sport, And the dish ran away with the spoon:B