the five panels I added are unisolar thin film,noglass but mounted in a frame
physically the 60w panel is approx 3/4 the size of a kyocera 135w panel , its more surface area per watt not less (less watts per sq ft of panel), they are very good at heat dissipation
I would not walk on the adhesive then film panels , your shoes or xxxxx stuck in them will scratch and damage the panels
IMO the pix of the guy standing on them is an adv gimmick
if you slipped and fell on the panel, you would not break it like a glass coverred panel, and IF YOU WANTED , you could spread a blanket and sit or sun bathe on them without harming them, and the thin film panels are very llite weight, but when you sell or trade the vehicle the adhesive panels stay with the rv, IMO not removable,
if you are setting up a large array and want the.most.wattage from the area covered get conventional framed panels
IMO if you want the most amphrs produced per day, from A GIVEN AMOUNT of wattage, then get thin film panels, they produce more amps at lower angles of sun and from a broader spectrum of light