I finally gave up on stabbing my battery posts with the HHM and updated my tech a little. I am now tracking my solar production with a Raspberry Pi 3 B. The controller is an MS MPPT 15L, 270Ahs of teloco pull AGM and 280W solar.
I'm making good progress in capturing data from the MS MPPT 15L.
Here is a graph taken from the ramdisk. It shows data at 1 minute intervals.
Yesterday eve, I drew 1130 Wh from the 270AH bank of AGMs. I used a Kill-A-Watt to measure the 1130Wh.
I don't believe I will make float today.
Also, note that there is a weather report. Look at Array Volts where they are choppy early on. The morning started with broken clouds and has changed to mostly sunny.
There is a lot of info there.
Here is the data from the last plot point in the same order as it appears in the legend.
dt = 2017-05-25 16:37:03
ahc_daily = 96.5
t_rts = 31
charge_state = 6
adc_va_f = 39.712524414062
adc_ic_f = 1.1571545410156
vb_f = 14.285278320312