enblethen wrote:
You buss work appears to be extruded aluminum. You need to be using a good de-oxidation compound. Colloid copper may not be enough. Read label closely before applying to aluminum busss work.
The connectors for the cable entering your surge protector do not prevent the intrusion of moisture. You or manufactuer should seal to prevent moisture if used outdoors.
This is why I gave this advice above in this thread. In order. Cleaning the bore on the aluminum bus until it gleams is for people with a little patience. But conductivity is far higher than just squirting in a spritz of aluminum deoxidation compound. The synthetic oils in a good colloidal copper compound prevent the aluminum from oxidizing. I used this protocol on 3 phase 100 amp 254 volt services, located 200' from crashing tropical Pacific Ocean waves. Using an aluminum deoxidation liquid followed by colloidal copper is NOT recommended. Colloidal copper also has lasted ten years bonding a copper ground wire to a copper plated steel ground rod without corroding, next to the ocean. The colloidal copper compound is excellent for it's intended purpose...
Here is what I had written above...
"Disconnect from shore power and inverter, remove one wire at a time and ream the hole with the wire brush until it gleams."