jplante4 wrote:
j-d wrote:
Our RV is our Hurricane Evacuation Escape Pod/HEEP. I want a fridge that can run off grid under poor weather conditions. RV Fridge meets that requirement. Beyond that, Hate the Thing!
It would still be a problem if you couldn't get propane. To be truly "off-grid", you need a few hundred watts of solar, a couple of good batteries and an inverter. The new residential refrigerators are very efficient.
Not to mention that all but the smallest RV fridges require 12V to operate the control board/ gas valve.. Will eat your battery capacity in a matter of a week or so without anything else being used..
So, even with a RV fridge you will not be totally off the grid since you still have to recharge a battery..
A couple of 100W solar panels can easily now days cover the draw of a residential fridge in most sunny locations.