I have a 2008 5th wheel, all power went out while connected to shore power electrician determined it to be converter bought a new converter and a new battery. Now the lights work, the fridge comes on but switches to gas, the microwave only lights comes on does not run. When we plugged in a space heater to check outlets
smoke started coming from breaker box but no breakers tripped.
Where is the battery switch located?
Sounds like you are plugged into 220. Shut everything down and get that darn electrician back out ASAP.
Only sadly many electricians don't understand that RV's do NOT use 220.
MAKE SURE you instruct any electrician that comes out that your RV is not to be plugged into 220.
If I were you I would call a RV Mobile Repair guy instead of an electrician. If that other guy knew what he was doing you wouldn't have a fried RV now.
And I just have to ask. WHY did you use a 'space heater' to check the outlets???

electric tester 2 bucks a lowes or home depot.
***>And btw on those breakers that you said didn't trip?
Go back in there asap and shut each breaker off and then back on again. They will look not tripped but really are and you can get some serious arcing if you don't reset them.
Good luck i hope that there is no damage to your RV. Let us know what they find out was the cause. :C