YOu have two power systems in the RV, 12 volt (Really 13.6) and 120 VAC.
Are BOTH systems down? or just one, if so which one
12 volt runs lights, Water pump, Furnace, Slides and jacks, and control power to Water Heater, Fridge and A/Cs (in most cases, nto all)
120 volt runs A/C.s Electric side of water heater and fridge, Microwave and TVs.
Some RV's have a 3rd (inverter) systrem, this is where 12 volts run 120 volt ac devices (usually just the TV but mine also runs the Microwave)
OFten, as you comn off the battery, there is a fuse or circuit breaker (Required in fact) this fuse or breaker may be a bit hard to find, if a breaker may be self-resetting or manual reset. Follow the wires. (Assuming it is the `12 volt system out of comission).