Go outside
Look on exterior of rig for a cover with slots in the upper right hand corner
Open cover..you have a Suburban Water heater
Now go inside
Look directly opposite of where you found outside cover
Open cabinet/drawers etc...that will be the backside of water heater tank
Cold water inlet (bottom line/fitting on tank)
Bypass.connects cold water line with hot water line (needs to be closed---cold water going into bottom of tank)
Open faucet hotside until all air is expelled
Turn on water heater
(propane valved in service...ON/Off Switch with light----turn it on. Going to take several tries until propane flows to water heater gas valve)
How long have you had this 1998 vintage trailer?
Haven't you been the least bit curious what is in those covers on exterior, looked inside the cabinets etc ?
Just looking around will give you a better understanding of what/where.