naturist wrote:
Lantley wrote:
How much time did you spend building your unit including research?
My point is you have no labor or overhead in your pricing. So how does that make those for sale over priced?
I can make my own hamburger or I can go out and buy one.
Does that mean McD's over priced?
You are right, I didn't include my time building. I also neglected to mention having purchased my parts at retail, rather than wholesale, unlike the "power station" manufacturers.
And you are right about Mickey D and the hamburger situation. But if I make my own, you can bet it'll be better than the McD version!
Being retired, the time/labor of building such a device falls into the hobby category. But to be fair, if I charged myself for the labor of building these devices, I get to pay myself around $500 a day for my efforts, paid for by the difference in cost between the commercial unit and the home made one(s). While that is below my daily rate when I was a working stiff, it is well above what I'd make greeting at Wally's. I call the commercial units overpriced because that labor rate is well above what the guys in the factory are making, and the wholesale/retail markup make for what looks like a very profitable product. Maybe that's why it appears everybody on the planet it going into building the things.
I imagine there are huge marketing cost in developing a unique product.
Even among us RV'ers we debate the usefulness of the product and what it actually is? What is it actually capable of doing? Takes lots of marketing $$$ to introduce a novel product. As mentioned not everyone is capable of buiding their own solar genset battery pack contraption!