Forum Discussion

BobnSofi's avatar
Jul 04, 2019

Norcold 1200LRIM, STARTS/STOPS ?????

Hi All,

The fridge gas burner starts,and then immediately stops.

We put a dinosour board in years ago, and we will shortly try to reset the board.

Weird,the fridge does not work on AC right now.

Any thoughts from you pros? (other than changing it out for a residential)

Thanks in advance!
  • Start with the basics (assuming you have a 6212XX Dino Bd)

    DO you have 12VDC to fridge....display panel lights work/interior light turns on etc?
    NO...check the Fuse that feds 12VDC to fridge terminal block (DC Dist Panel)
    Fuse good/12VDC at terminal block then check the DC Fuse on circuit board (5A)

    YES.....have 12VDC at fridge/DC Fuse good
    AC needs 12VDC to function but uses a 5A Fast Acting fuse. (Some use 8A if they have 2 heater elements)

    DO you have any error/fault codes?

    Propane lights then goes out
    Spark Electrode could be dirty/sooted so clean it using emery cloth/steel wool
    Spark GAP 1/8' - 3/16' directly over center of burner slots so it is engulfed in flame when it lights off

    Is burner slots free/clear of debris and fully intact (not rusted out/falling apart)?
    What does flame look like when it does light.....strong/blue/reaching up into flue opening?
  • Check to make sure nothing's fouling the flame rod. The flame actually conducts a DC electrical current when everything's working correctly. If a piece of rust falls from the chimney, it will conduct AC electrical current and cause a fault shutting off the gas valve.
  • Big Katuna wrote:
    You can buy a new cooling unit. I bought the Amish made unit. They have a residential compressor version now to convert your 1200 to compressor type.

    My Car engine starts and then stops. According to you, I should replace the complete engine????????? The OP is having a control problem. The fact he has a Dino Board makes the diag more difficult. He needs to contac Dino for troubleshooting help on a Dino board. I would assume a Dino board has different parameters than a OEM Norcold board. Dometic Boards and Dino boards do have different diag parameters. Doug
  • You can buy a new cooling unit. I bought the Amish made unit. They have a residential compressor version now to convert your 1200 to compressor type.