Forum Discussion

rattle_snake1's avatar
Jun 26, 2014

Norcold N300.3 won't stay lit

Fridge will light but goes out after a few seconds. runs on AC/DC fine. I pulled the unit out (only way to access wiring) and removed/re-connected every wire connection. After that the heat meter registered all the way to the left (green), higher than before. The fridge ran on gas for 1.5 days, then went out and is back to where it was. I assuming I am having issues with the extremely low thermocouple volatge (mV). Camper was plugged into AC so not a low voltge issue.

What to do next?
  • I was having the same problem with mine and ordered this wiring kit. Seems to be a known problem on the N300. Haven't had time to install it yet so can't say for sure.

    Norcold N300 Wire Kit (when the refrigerator won't stay lit)
    Part # 628119 $19.59 USD

    After I ordered the kit I saw it on Amazon for $12.64
  • The tip of thermocouple needs to be clean & directly in the flame

    The thermocouple and interrupter connection needs to be tight

    The wiring connections on interrupter need to be clean & tight

    You can check the milli-volts at interrupter connection
    *0 on both terminals...... bad thermocouple
    *10-15 on both terminals...bad safety valve
    *15-30 on one terminal and 0 on the other terminal.....bad interrupter