OK adjusted these valves and found that the intake was .003 and the exhaust was a slightly snug .002. Both reset to .002 (Generator has 512 hours).
When you adjust the valves turn the fan by hand (engine cold) clockwise and watch each valve open then close. When both valves are closed then make your adjustment using a feeler gauge .002
One tip always slide the feeler gauge from straight beneath the rocker arm. Going in from either side of the rocker arm will tend to give you a false snug reading. Helps to to hold the push rod side of the rocker arm against the push-rod to take up any slack that may be between the rocker arm and push-rod.
On my Micro 4K the adjustment nut is self locking. There is no torx screw in the center of the adjustment nut. Turning the nut is stiff but once the lash is set its set. After adjusting always recheck the lash before moving to the next valve.
And be sure and have an extra gasket in the event it tears (mine did) when removing the cover. The cover nuts only need to be snug once screwed in finger tight.
One other note:
If you turn the fan counterclockwise the starter may not engage when you hit the start button. Repeated clicking may arise. Batteries I know are good and grounds were cleaned well 1 week ago. Moving it counter clockwise may disengage the actuator allowing for the no start issue.
Reach in with your hand and give the fan a few turns clockwise and then attempt
the start. I had to do this a few times. Once the generator started I ran it for 15 mins or so then shutdown. Then waited a few minutes and restarted from inside the coach. Generator started great from inside as well.
As for the feel of the lash adjustment start by tightening until it just grabs the feeler gauge then slightly back off until the feeler gauge moves freely with no binding or heavy drag.
The following is a picture of the valves with cover off. Both valves are closed in the pic. Note the absence of torx adjust screw in the center of the hold down nut.