Forum Discussion

timinfla2's avatar
Sep 13, 2018

Onan 5500 Marquis Gold Starting/Fuel issue

Hi Folks, 

I tried starting my genny and it turns over but won't catch.  As you see here:

I then researched the 36 code and started tracing a fuel issue.  I removed the hose that comes off the primer pump and you can hear it running but no fuel comes out:

There is fuel in the tank, so I'm not really sure what could be happening here.  Can anybody provide a next-step idea as to what I can try from here?  Just for gigles, it wants to run if you shoot a tiny squirt of starter fluid into the butterfly valve...

Thank you, 

  • Thank you - it's a 2007 so it sounds like the Pump has put in its time! I'll be ordering a new pump and filter. Thank you very much for all the assistance.
  • Age of rig? more then likely need a new fuel pump. mine lasted 8 yrs but have seen many go out sooner.

    But as others have said , make sure your not sucking air from fuel line first.
  • All great tips, thanks folks - I'll double check the fuel and oil levels, as well as give a further check of the fuel lines. Any idea what diameter the fuel line is just in case I need to buy new stuff? Thanks!
  • Is the oil level correct in the generator?
    Bad low oil senzor?
    Trace the fuel line back to the tank. Look for a collapsed rubber section of line.
    Is there a fuel filter that could be clogged?
  • 1. You need over a quarter tank of gas for the fuel pickup. 2. Trace the fuel line from the generator to the fuel tank and look for leaks. 3. change the fuel filter.
    3. You can always disconnect the fuel line from the generator, add a piece of flexible line, put it in a gas can and see if the generator will run .