Hmmm..well i hate to say it, but if you were cranking the starter for a long time, it may have burnt out. Hopefully you just wore the battery down, as could happen if you had trouble getting it fire up.
The first thing I would do is to charge the battery up again, and give it another try, to see if the starter will spin. If still no go, it could be the starter solenoid/relay, rather than the starter itself. They can overheat as well and burn out.
Is the fuel quite old, and not had any fuel stabilizer added to it? Could be the reason it wasn't starting for you. Old fuel can get pretty gummy after just 6 months, and plug up carb jets, etc.
If you do get it to spin again, you could try a shot of "cold start" in the air intake. Sometimes this will allow the engine to fire up long enough, to suck through any gum or varnish. Don't get carried away with the cold start though, as to much can harm an engine.