the power converter supplies 13+v to charge the house batteries and power 12v items, are your batteries charging, did everything work on the camping trip, what about the fridge, did you use propane or put it on automatic and use electric
you have a short to ground in the wiring
this could be one of several things
frayed wiring in the 30amp shore plug
a shorted 120v heating element in the fridge
a screw thru some wiring somewhere
for testing you need to turn off ALL the circuit breakers in the breaker box of the rv
plug into shore power
did shore breaker trip ? yes/no . if yes, take your cord apart check both the male plug and the connections at the RV
if NO proceed
turn on main breaker in RV panel, only the main
shore trip yes/no
if no
turn on..only one breaker at a time
you are looking for the circuit with the problem ?
I can explain it to you.
But I Can Not understand it for you !
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1997 F53 Bounder 36s