A good system is not inexpensive because the name of the game is not merely to pre-lube the engine but to endure long periods of time running at full engine pump pressures. I would tend to tap an oil pressure gauge pipe thread hole, then fit aeroquip terminated hydraulic hose rated for high temp and low pressure. Such a system needs a bulletproof shut of valve on the inlet and discharge side of the pump so of a leak does develop it does not strand you. Really stout shutoff valves should be located so managing them is a snap. Raise the hood, twist two valves and you are ready for a long day's drive. The last system I built I lucked out and already had a pair of No. 4 Aeroquip hoses, the kind with the stainless steel outer braid. Quarter inch hose dumping into 1/8" threaded holes seems kinda small on the surface, but the system will power-up to full aux pump pressure in about 10-seconds. 20 LBS pressure is plenty. I let the pump run for half a minute to lube pushrods and camshaft lobes. Hope this helps.