First things first, Welcome to one of the best on line communities in the country and maybe the world. There is a huge wealth of information here and some really nice folks will offer help.
We're not really mind readers and if you give us basic information regarding your vehicle, or in this case your fridge, or maybe your AC, then we can give you more specific solutions to problems.
Basic info includes, year of manufacture, make. model, did the malfunction just start out of the blue or have you had it for awhile. You may get asked for this info even if you have given it. Sometimes we don't read a carefully as we should.
So lets start with the make of your fridge, the model and when was it made. If it's the original, then we consider that the year of manufacture. I kind of get the feeling your propane is in a tank, they are horizontal and cylinders are vertical. Have you had the propane working prior to your trip? Has the fridge prior to the trip. Mine fridge doesn't have a big old board and a numerical display, it does have an on/off switch. The on off switch really changes the energy source from propane to 120vac, some have 12vdc. My tank has a valve, "lefty loosey, righty tighty" to open the valve and close the valve. I know proper English usage is "Shut" but you say "Close" in the Navy. Then after the valve is the regulator and then in my propane system, I have a solenoid that is controlled by an 12vdc switch that energizes the solenoid and turns on my propane leak detector.
By now you should get the idea, information regarding what equipment you have is important as is the problem.
So let's start again and see what we can do.
If someone has already said this, I'm sorry but I had to leave the post half done to take my family out to a big function and social feed.