I use solar power in my home, so idle current is a factor. I've tested a number of my inverters, all the information has been posted on my webpage:
http://2manytoyz.com/noload.htmlThe parasitic load measured only 0.32A

The waveform is cleaner than the grid power coming into my house.

Please note that any high current inverter load will require very fat 12VDC power cables between the inverter, and the battery bank.

Read the note below the chart:

This is a fantastic inverter! Mine has run 24/7/365 for almost 5 years, powering a portion of my home. I presently feed it with a 1000AH battery bank, with the fat cables shown. It runs everything I've tried, with only a couple of exceptions, a large air compressor, and a 1965 era radial arm saw. The startup current spike is too high. But appliances like a shop vac, microwave, window A/C unit, 1500W heat gun, etc., no problems at all.
And we recently purchased a motorhome that has the same model installed in a storage bay. It's the backup power for the residential fridge onboard for when the generator is off, and we are rolling.