I wonder if motor access varies with the make/model of the steps. The common answer is it about won't come apart if the motor fails retracted.
But when you get it all reassembled and restore power, the step will figure out what it wants to do. The Kwikee steps with that black logic box, figure out what to do from the input it gets. Then it looks at the electrical load on the motor. It assumes that high load means the step has gone where it needs to do, and takes the power off the motor right then. That makes it important to have the whole step assembly well lubed so it won't quit part way. Also means that if it hits an obstacle, it doesn't struggle to push through it. Knowing that, I don't fret if the door opens, step deploys, and gets stopped on a high lawn, even a curb, next the coach. Pretty slick setup. Just expensive parts.
When I last worked on ours, it was the "safety clutch" inside the large gear, the one driven by the worm on the motor armature. It's there to slip if somebody gets caught in a power car window. Not needed on a Kwikee step because of that power sensing. Anyhow, I put a Hairpin Clip ("Hitch Pin Clip?") into that solid pin connecting motor arm to step linkage. One of these

Hoping I could reach in and pull that to get started working the pin it retains out in event of step failure in the retract position. Haven't tested that yet. Will try to remember to look next time I'm under there. If it looks helpful, maybe with a wire "extender" to grab it with, I'll get back here with it.