ashlatz wrote:
Very possible I might need to hire someone at some point but I am pretty handy if I can get alittle direction I can figure it out
If the A/C doesn't run on either the generator or shore power then I'd start following the wires. The shore power line and generator should both run into a Transfer Switch box. This unit normally defaults to shore power, but when the generator is running it will switch to take power from the generator. If the Transfer Switch has loose connections or burned contact relays that could cause your problem.
If the input to the Transfer Switch is ok on shore power, but not on generator, then you also have a generator problem. But I'd skip that until you get things working on shore power. So if the output of the Transfer Switch is ok when you're on shore power, then go to the main breaker box. The output of the Transfer Switch goes there next. Check for loose connections, broken wires, blown fuses or tripped breakers.
If the outputs from the main breaker box are ok, then your problems are downstream of there and it's time to look at the inputs to the A/C.
Hope this helps,
BTW, I had two similar problems on my RV. One was a broken wire coming out of the generator in which case things ran on shore power but not on the generator. The other problem I had later was a loose connection on the Neutral bar in the main breaker box. In this case nothing worked on either shore power or the generator.