Sorry, just as I was trying to post our shop got called into a meeting, anyway, the fifth wheel has been sitting plugged in since at least last year, yes we have had lightning some times, but everything else appears fine, I have no idea if maybe it was a power surge or what, but when I went out the display was like all zeros are something like that, I meant to try and get a picture of it, anyway, unplugged it and plugged in again and as I say it lights up, light does come on when opened, but pushing the control panel does nothing, in the past I have replaced fuses on our house one, but for this to go out while sitting just seemed strange, I have left it unplugged now for over a week and was going to try plug it back in and see what happens.
But I thought I would see if anyone had an idea or maybe had something like this happen to them.
Thanks for the input.
Oh and yes I know about the capacitor is it that is high voltage, but I am not versed on it, so I am not going to try go internal as such, the most would be like my house ones, just open the cover and look at the fuse.
I am actually looking around to see what would be a good replacement for it, I figure something from Wal-mart, or Sears for example should be good, it is I believe a 1.0 cubic foot one.