"Actually the 75 and 100 may work in series (24v) as each will only be at max 75 amps output. This is similar to the 155 amp 12v that seems to work."
That's what I have been trying to figure out from some calculations previously posted. The PFed 100 doing 75 should pull less VA than the non-PFed 75 doing 75. I figure 1279VA vs 1693 and total is 2972 doing 75 on 24v, much lower than the 3293VA total doing that 155a on 12v.
I'm kind of curious now to see if this would work, even though I am not planning on going 24v for now. Never know. It would save getting a new 24v converter if you could use the 12v chargers you already have.
The big inverter is still an issue. Hmmmm can you use two 12v inverters as a 24 somehow? I have a 2000w and 3000w same brand MSW I could combine if so. Then just run a 12v converter (got some) from the inverter "bank" to make 12v for the rig.