Feb 04, 2017Explorer
Shurflo pump mystery
So here's the deal, 2013 Allegro Open Road 36LA is sitting in the driveway, winterized, plugged into the house, I'm running only a 20 amp charge to keep the batteries charged. Walking by it I hear the water pump running. Go inside, all the pump switches are off even the outside shower, but the kitchen sink faucet is open just slightly(must have bumped it). The faucet should not have turned the pump on if all the switches are off. Unplug the RV from the house, run the generator try to repeat the issue but everything is running correctly,(switches off, faucet open, the pump won't run). I'm going to add more anti freeze as the lines were pressurized and some came out. Has this happened to anyone else?
So here's the deal, 2013 Allegro Open Road 36LA is sitting in the driveway, winterized, plugged into the house, I'm running only a 20 amp charge to keep the batteries charged. Walking by it I hear the water pump running. Go inside, all the pump switches are off even the outside shower, but the kitchen sink faucet is open just slightly(must have bumped it). The faucet should not have turned the pump on if all the switches are off. Unplug the RV from the house, run the generator try to repeat the issue but everything is running correctly,(switches off, faucet open, the pump won't run). I'm going to add more anti freeze as the lines were pressurized and some came out. Has this happened to anyone else?