Feb-26-2021 05:06 PM
Mar-01-2021 07:00 AM
Feb-28-2021 11:17 PM
Feb-27-2021 10:12 AM
Feb-27-2021 08:34 AM
Feb-27-2021 07:22 AM
gabemcg wrote:
I need to install a 7 way outlet in the bed of my truck for this, but I'm guessing I should pull the power lead directly from the battery?
When I park and shut the truck down, I'm guessing I need to manually disconnect the cable so the camper doesn't draw down the truck battery, or does the camper have a switch that detects when the truck is running (via voltage over 12v for example?)
Feb-27-2021 07:13 AM
Feb-27-2021 05:31 AM