First off, thanks everyone for the help, I truly appreciate all of it. We are sitting in a fantastic campground on the coast in Santa Barbara County and I'm not comfortable being under the RV in soft sand and messing with the hydraulic system. Today is going home day and tomorrow is Grandson helping the "G" Dude move stuff in the garage day. When we refurbished the house, we had the popcorn ceilings removed and smoothed out and the entire interior repainted. About 80 percent of our belongings went into the garage and we are going to sort and get rid of most of it this next week while the daughters and grandkids are off work and school. We have photo albums and slides going back to 1959 and those will all be converted to digital images. That alone is a huge undertaking but must be done.
On Monday after turkey day I will level the rig, put the jackstands in place and let the levelers retract, at that point I will try the flush out instructions Doug gave me and then go from there. I will post the results of each thing I try as I go along.
It is also time for the annual preventive maintenance inspection of every system and function of the MoHo. So that will take another two or three days. So if you don't hear what I did to correct the slide problem for a couple of weeks, it is because the family will be at the house and I just won't have time.
Thanks again, have a great Thanksgiving and we'll talk again in couple of weeks.