CA Traveler wrote:
The current output from the panels is dependent upon the amount of sun and can vary from 0 to the panels Imp. Shadows that activate bypass diodes reduce the voltage and don't effect the current from the panels.
This explanation makes sense to me..with a bit of editing.. 'The voltage output..' (not current - meaning amps)
I haven't done much research yet, but I'm thinking that you may not lose BOTH amps and volts. When you connect batteries up, you gain volts or amps, not both. So it would stand to reason the same is true when shade is killing part of a panel.
It's easy to see how it works when 100% of the panel is shaded, but what isn't clear is when 2/3 of it is. If the amps are cut by that amount, the current drop would be substantial, and drag down the entire string. So, one may cautiously conclude that it's the voltage that's cut, not the amperage.
BFL13 wrote:
If that shaded panel is half by-passed, then it is putting out half its current? (I really am confused about the current amount)
Me too.. and good question!