In your case, a combiner box is nothing more than a water tight box with terminal strips inside. You will have to secure the box to the roof. Assuming you have two panels you will need 6 entry glands to keep the cable entry points water tight. A quality box is expensive.
Combiner Box HyperlinkYou could replace your MC-4 connectors because yours are either damaged, cracked or never tightened and water got inside. MC-4 connectors dont leak if they are not damaged and installed correctly. They are used on every commercial solar installation I have seen. Also tiewrap the connectors so they are not setting on the roof in a puddle of water or snow.
Crimp Tool Hyperlinkand the connectors, get the correct size for your wire gauge.
MC-4 Connectors hyperlinkYou should replace your two "Y" combiners, water probably got inside.